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In addition to procedures to treat periodontal disease, Dr. Salamati also performs cosmetic procedures to enhance your smile. Often, patients who pursue cosmetic dental procedures notice improved function as well.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Dr. Salamati offers many cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as:

Cosmetic dentistry treatments are a predictable way to cover sensitive or exposed root surfaces and to prevent future gum recession. If you are unhappy with the appearance of short or elongated teeth, a combination of procedures by Dr. Salamati can significantly improve your smile.

Esthetic crown lengthening is performed to correct a “gummy” smile.

Although your natural teeth may appear short, they might actually be the proper length. The teeth may simply be covered with too much gum tissue.

During this procedure, excess bone and gum tissue are reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth (or teeth) to create a beautiful smile.

Soft tissue grafts can be used to cover exposed tooth roots, reduce gum recession, and protect teeth from further bone loss, root decay, and eventual tooth loss.

Ridge preservation/bone augmentation procedures after tooth loss help to preserve the extraction socket or ridge and minimize or avoid gum and bone collapse. This allows for less resorption of the jaw bone and allows for ideal dental implant placement for enhanced function and appearance.



Gingivectomy is a periodontal surgical procedure designed to eliminate excess gum tissue.

Gums may begin growing over the teeth, affecting your oral health habits. Oral hygiene and preventative dental care are essential to a healthy mouth, so gum contouring may be necessary.

When the gum tissue around the wisdom teeth becomes inflamed, it is known as pericoronitis, which may also require gingivectomy.

The following are some reasons a gingivectomy procedure might be needed:

  • Cosmetics: To make the teeth look normal in size when there is an excess of gum tissue.
  • Functionality: To remove excess gum tissue (gingival overgrowth) that is interfering with oral health habits.
  • Bone and Gum Health: To shrink deep gum pockets around the teeth for a healthier smile.


Anesthesia is applied to the treatment site, and excess gum tissue is removed using either a scalpel, rotary instruments, or a laser. In many cases, stitches are not needed.

Your mouth will likely be sore for one or two days. Medication is provided to alleviate any discomfort while you heal. Most patients require a follow-up appointment two weeks after their surgery. You will be given postoperative instructions (including food restrictions) that should be followed carefully to help ensure proper healing.

Patients who live near Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and the surrounding areas are encouraged to schedule a consultation with Dr. Salamati to discuss their concerns and see if gingivectomy is right for them. Our office can be reached at 310.275.1090 or by filling out an online appointment form.